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Sellier & Bellot
Amunicja Sellier & Bellot
Zobacz aktualne katalogi.

Wybierz model broni
I skonfiguruj bezpośrednio z fabryki, według swoich preferencji oraz z pełną gwarancją.
Range Rules
Children below the age 10 are not allowed. All minors must attend while being accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who will sign all documents and stay with them at all times.
- Any weapon should be treated as if it is loaded at all times
- If you remove a gun from a holster, keep it pointed at the backstop at all times
- If you are not ready to fire, keep your finger off the trigger and outside the trigger guard
- Be attentive and careful all the time
- If you see a dangerous situation, report it to a range instructor directly
- Never use drugs or alcohol before or during your stay on the range
- All of your weapons must be discharged and safely encased before leaving the shooting tray.
Give one to Friends, family, or even yourself
The Range Memberships
All memberships include free firearm add-ons to your CCW and free CDC off-duty requalification.
Platinum Membership
- 3 full memberships (3 people)
- Unlimited shooting
- Unlimited gun rentals*
- Includes 24 guest passes per year
(a $360 value)
Gold Membership
- Unlimited shooting for 1 person
- 1 gun rental per visit*
- Includes 12 guest passes per year
(a $180 value)
Silver Membership
- Unlimited shooting for 1 person
- Includes 6 guest passes per year
(a $90 Value)